Who We Are


The continued success of the AHEPA Buckeye District #11 Scholarship Foundation is the strongest possible testament of the Buckeye District AHEPA Family’s commitment to the Education component of the American Hellenic Educational Progressive Association.

The purpose of the Foundation, as set forth in the state charter granted in 1960, is to make annual awards of scholarships for education purposes to undergraduate students enrolling in four-year programs at accredited colleges and universities.

The Foundation had the best possible start becasue of the leadership, devotion and talent of the initial and subsequent Trustees who are elected by the District Convention for three year terms.  The Selection Committee is comprised of university professors or administrators appointed by the Trustees.

Since its inception in 1959, total receipts of the Buckeye Scholarship Foundation have been over $1,056,431. Scholarships in the amount of $722,950 have been awarded during the same period to the sons and daughters of the Buckeye AHEPA family. During the 2009-2010 time frame, $50,250 in scholarships was awarded to 47 students. Both the AHEPA and the Daughters of Penelope support the Scholarship Foundation.

The generous contributions made to the AHEPA Buckeye District #11 Scholarship Foundation will assure the the Buckeye District will be able to continue to serve the needs of its brightest and best youth.